Young Hearts Longing for God is a study of Psalms that we were asked to review. It is a 30 lesson study, by Soli Deo Gloria Resources, to be used over the entire school year. It is designed for grades 4 - 8, but can be used with both younger and older kids. It is a bound booklet priced at $16. Here is a sample of the first lesson.
Isabel (10) began this black and white, no frills study with little or no understanding of Psalms. She studies one Psalm a week followed by questions, activities, and journaling. The first one she read through, she looked at me and asked how she was suppose to know what it meant. So, I asked her to try to work through the questions. As she highlighted what God had done to man, this Psalm began to make sense. She re-read the Psalm each day before working through the question or activity for the day. Each time she read it, she had a better grasp of the meaning.
She is able to work on this study independently, asking questions if she is stuck or needs clarification. There is no preparation on my part, so it is very easy to have her work on while I am working with her brother. The study also includes a checklist, so she can keep track of what she has done (she really enjoys marking off things when she has completed them). This has been teaching her great decoding skills that she can use elsewhere with text that is written in a way she is unfamiliar with.
I would highly recommend this, it is a great study and a great price. It would be an easy addition to whatever curriculum you are currently using. Isabel looks forward to doing it each day.
Other products available from this company include further Bible studies, Unit Studies, and year long studies, such as a WWII Unit Study for $14 and Church Notebook for $12. We plan on using the WWII Unit Study later this year!
*Disclaimer* I received this study free of charge for the purpose of this review.
Great review! We actually studied some Psalms this year so I wonder if this would be a good addition.