Times Alive by City Creek Press is a computer program to help kids remember their times tables. The program was based off the company's book Times Tables the Fun Way. The cost of the CD Rom program is $48.95, for instant download it is $44.95.
Times Alive teaches kids times tables from zero to the nine. This program utilizes several different approaches to help learn the multiplication facts. For each multiplication lesson, a storyteller tells a story about the numbers in the lesson to help the student learn the concept and your child can read along as well. There is a music video with a catchy tune that is using the same story and numbers. There are also interactive games and activities, plus quizzes.
You are able to view progress reports that show what lessons have been completed, quiz results and the time it took to complete the quizzes. Kids will have a difficult time forgetting their times tables after they go through the lessons. Logan was sure this program would not help him with his memorization. He will never forget that to drive a 4 x 4 you have to be 16.
*Disclaimer* I received this product free of charge in exchange for my review.

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