WonderMaps by Bright Ideas Press is our last review of the year. It is an amazing tool that we will be able to use for the rest of our homeschooling years. You can buy the 350+ customizable, printable maps program in a cd format or download format, both for $49.95.
You can customize both modern and historical maps by using layers. You can filter through each of the layers based on your needs. Some of the layers are:
- Borders (both State and Country)
- Country and State names
- Rivers
- River names
- Terrain
- Physical features
- Color or Black and white
- Modern overlay on the historical maps (I love this one)
With the modern maps your choices are: The World, Continents, Regions, Nations, US Regions and US States. You can choose historical maps chronologically or use the maps that are designed to go with Mystery of History Volumes I (1st and 2nd ed.), II, as well as III and All American History I and II. Another map option is Thematic Maps, which includes: American History, Explorers, Native Americans, World Wars, Biblical Maps, 20th C. Treaties, and Chinese Dynasties.
There are also a ton of geography resources available in the program's Teacher's Guide. Much of it was taken or adapted from another Big Ideas Press product, Hands-On Geography. Another Big Ideas Press product I have reviewed in the past was a favorite of ours, Young Scholar's Guide to Composers.
I have really enjoyed incorporating this product into our current history curriculum and I know that it will be a staple in our history from here on out.
*Disclaimer* I received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review.